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2008-09 San Juan Islands KayakingLynette and I signed up for an REI Adventures 6-day kayaking and camping trip in the San Juan Islands. Our group ended up being 11 people total, plus 2 fantastic guides and chefs, Nikken and Ryan. We started off by taking the float plane to Friday Harbor (San Juan Island), spent a night on San Juan, then paddled to Stuart Island, spent 2 nights there, paddled to Jones Island, spent 2 nights there, and then back to Friday Harbor. We spent a night at a B&B in Friday Harbor (the hot shower and real bed and pillows were really appreciated) before heading back to Seattle via float plane.
7 125
Sept 07 - SFO to Seattle to Smallbox Bay


On the first day, I flew to Seattle and caught the shuttle to Lake Union, where I met Lynette. We then took the float plane from Lake Union to Friday Harbor. Group members Ned and Gloria were also on the float plane, although we hadn't met them yet. After wandering around town a bit, we met one of our guides (Nikken) the rest of the group at the Whale Museum, had a little orientation, then were driven over towards Smallpox Bay where we met our other guide (Ryan), and camped the night there.

8 files, last one added on Sep 17, 2008
Album viewed 86 times

Sept 08 - Smallbox Bay to Stuart Island


This was our first day of paddling...we learned how to load up the kayaks, proper paddle technique, and some rescue techniques (which we never needed). We paddled from Smallpox Bay to Stuart Island's Reid Harbor via Mosquito Pass, stopping at Posey Island for lunch on the way.

19 files, last one added on Oct 02, 2008
Album viewed 117 times

Sept 09 - Around Stuart Island


We paddled out of Reid Harbor and clockwise around the island, near to the Lighthouse, in an attempt to spot Orcas. Unfortunately, we weren't so lucky, so headed back to camp and hiked up there.

26 files, last one added on Oct 02, 2008
Album viewed 110 times

Sept 10 - Stuart Island to Jones Island


Another early morning, we got up, paddled by Spieden Island where we saw lots of wildlife, and then crossed over to Jones Island in time for lunch. After setting up camp, we all hiked around the island and relaxed a bit. After dinner and a birthday celebration for Gloria, we went for a moonlight paddle around the island, having fun looking at the bioluminescence.

31 files, last one added on Oct 02, 2008
Album viewed 109 times

Sept 11 - Yellow Island and Deer Harbor


On Thursday, the group decided to visit Yellow Island (once a private home, now a nature conservancy), and then have a taste of civilization at Deer Harbor (aka "Beer Harbor") on Orcas Island. We spent the afternoon relaxing, then made s'mores and sang over a roaring campfire thanks to former boy scout Hank.

30 files, last one added on Oct 02, 2008
Album viewed 111 times

Sept 12 - Jones Island to Friday Harbor


On our last day of paddling, we headed back for Friday Harbor, unloaded and transferred all of the gear and luggage, and said our farewells. Five of us (me, Lynette, Rolf, Liz and Janet) spent the night in Friday Harbor, so we got together at a Mediterranean restaurant for dinner.

1 files, last one added on Sep 17, 2008
Album viewed 82 times

Sept 13 - Friday Harbor to Seattle and SFO


Lynette and I took the float plane back from Friday Harbor to Seattle's Lake Union. I got to sit in the co-pilot seat this time! She spent one more night in Seattle, and I headed to Sea-Tac airport and home in time for my birthday the next day.

10 files, last one added on Sep 17, 2008
Album viewed 87 times


7 albums on 1 page(s)

2008-08 Lake Tahoe road trip


Dave and I rode our Ducs up to South Lake Tahoe for a long weekend

7 files, last one added on Aug 13, 2008
Album viewed 274 times

2008-11 Thanksgiving in MA


1 files, last one added on Nov 26, 2008
Album viewed 272 times

2 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - 2008 Holiday trips
01 - Campsite on Jones Island34 views
06 - Approximate drive from Friday Harbor to Smallpox Bay43 views
20 - Getting ready to head back to camp39 views(photo by Bill)
04 - Prevost Harbor on Stuart Island52 views
02 - Kayak parking on Jones Island39 viewsWe perched the boats up on the driftwood
On stuart Island137 views(photo by Jake)
13 - Dinner on Jones Island34 viewsDiane, Rolf, me, Ned, Gloria, Bill, Janet, Liz, Hank, Jake, Ryan and Nikken (photo by Lynette)
18 - Approximate route from Stuart to Jones36 views

Last additions - 2008 Holiday trips
01 - Bike ride around Rutland169 viewsOn Dave's childhood bike - old and heavy!Nov 26, 2008
Bill, me and Jake143 views(photo by Hank)Oct 02, 2008
Lynette and me paddling130 views(photo by Jake)Oct 02, 2008
On the tree swing138 views(photo by Jake)Oct 02, 2008
On stuart Island137 views(photo by Jake)Oct 02, 2008
Bill, me and Jake133 views(photo by Hank with Jake's camera)Oct 02, 2008
Ryan paddling130 views(photo by Hank)Oct 02, 2008
Nikken paddling125 views(photo by Hank)Oct 02, 2008