Last additions - Sept 11 - Yellow Island and Deer Harbor |

Bill, me and Jake143 views(photo by Hank)Oct 02, 2008

Bill, me and Jake133 views(photo by Hank with Jake's camera)Oct 02, 2008

Ryan playing guitar on Jones Island46 views(photo by Hank)Oct 02, 2008

25 - Approximate route43 viewsSep 17, 2008

26 - Lew Dodd's grave marker55 viewsOn Yellow Island (photo by Bill)Sep 17, 2008

27 - Me in front of the fire42 views(photo by Bill)Sep 17, 2008

21 - Gloria at sunset42 views(photo by Lynette)Sep 17, 2008

22 - Ryan and a bug at sunset36 viewsThe bug flew into the frame just as the picture was snapped (photo by Lynette)Sep 17, 2008

23 - Group around the fire36 viewsHank, Liz, Janet, Bill, Nikken, me and Ned (photo by Lynette)Sep 17, 2008

24 - Liz, s'more expert38 viewsLiz demonstrates the perfect s'more method (photo by Lynette)Sep 17, 2008

16 - Me at sunset39 views(photo by Lynette)Sep 17, 2008

17 - Jake at sunset40 views(photo by Lynette)Sep 17, 2008